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Post-Binary Gender in SF: Ice Song by Kirsten Imani Kasai


Post-Binary Gender in SF: Ice Song by Kirsten Imani Kasai

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Post-Binary Gender in SF: Ice Song by Kirsten Imani Kasai


Published on June 17, 2014


There are ways in which reading Ice Song by Kirsten Imani Kasai made me think of The Blazing World by Siri Hustvedt: the book’s deep rooting of gender in the binary, and the frustration I felt at its inability to see beyond that. The Blazing World is, however, a thought-provoking book inhabiting the tense space between contemporary binary gender sexism and the possibility of greater gender complexity.

Ice Song is not.

It is set in a world confusingly similar to ours yet not, judging by the geography, the same (despite having Mohawk haircuts, Eskimo, escargot forks, the tale of Bluebeard, and more), where information is scarce yet an internet-like system exists at least for the selling of scintillating videos, where a virus causes some people’s DNA to mutate, turning them into part-animal people—or granting them the ability to change “gender” between male and female, becoming people known as Traders. The Traders are outcasts, feared and—but of course—fetishised by other people, and the plot focuses on a Trader called Sorykah (when female) and Soryk (when male) seeking to rescue her twin Trader babies from a man who has captured them for cruel experimentation.

It is a very demonstrative example of why looking at gender through an incredibly binary lens—so binary it strays deep into gender stereotypes—is unhelpful and unpleasant.

The world only recognises two genders, and, aside from a mention of more progressive cities, is profoundly sexist. This is a set-up where Soryk can think of his “intrinsic sense of chivalry” or a man can slap other men on the back in “patriarchal camaraderie,” where Soryk can describe a woman as “a delightful, open meadow where any man might take his moment’s pleasure.” Sorykah thinks of Soryk as an exemplar of this masculinity: when, in unpleasantly contrived circumstances, she must choose a woman to have sex with after turning into Soryk, she thinks that Soryk is unlikely to care about the details of the woman underneath him. The quantity of Soryk’s sex-centric thoughts do little to dissuade this idea of him. Sorykah fares a little better: she’s a scientist as well as a mother, although only one of these activities is central to the novel, and it is teeth-grinding that at one point Sorykah considers “the man and mother in her.”

The ability of Traders to change “genders” is—to no one’s surprise—physiological: “female” means a womb and breasts, “male” means a penis and facial hair. More than that, sexist gender stereotypes are invoked to describe the differences between Sorykah and Soryk as people.

“It would be good for him to have a companion, and one such as yourself, well, you’d do double duty, wouldn’t you? Riding and hunting by day, the pair of you young lads, but a woman at night, like a warm homecoming for the weary soul. What man could ask more? He’d have the best of both worlds.”

This might be a character’s imagination running too wild, but an earlier exchange between Soryk and a woman who knew him first as Sorykah is not:

“You’re not the same person you were before. It’s bizarre. I mean, you’re you, yet you’re not you.” She grinned, flashing deep dimples.

“What are you on about?” Soryk asked, his irritation rising.

“So like a man, all cranky and impatient.”

I picked up Ice Song because fluidity of body and gender interests me a lot, because there is a strong space here for very interesting fiction that reflects and explores gender realities and future, technology-enabled possibilities. My partner and I have talked about how much we would like to be able to change our bodies (more swiftly and more often than current medical technology allows). I often think about the relationship between gender and body, which is so complex and personal and societal and intrinsic and irrelevant and important—so vast a conversation to be had. I hoped Ice Song—where body-change does not even require technology—would say something in that conversation.

It does not.

Or, it says that men are men and women are women, and changing between the two is like left and right.

It is moderately interesting that, at first, Sorykah and Soryk are not aware of each other’s memories. (Sorykah knows that she’s a Trader. Soryk only learns it in this book, despite invasive medical tests after Sorykah first changed into Soryk, during which someone surely mentioned to him “Oh, we’re testing you because two weeks ago you were a girl!” and, if there is an internet on which one character can intend to distribute footage of Sorykah changing into Soryk, surely Soryk can use this world’s version of Google, which is probably called Google going by the aforementioned presence of Mohawks and escargot forks.) It is less interesting that the two selves are bridged by a “sex cure”—actual quote—i.e., someone has sex with them both.

That Sorykah and Soryk are distinctly two people who share a changing body is the core of the book’s attitude to gender: there is no fluidity, only opposites.

“Couldn’t think of two people as one, couldn’t scrub away breasts and penis to see some genderless neuter; instead, their faces slid over each other in Carac’s mind, click-click, back and forth, like tiles being shuffled.”

(It is telling that Sorykah’s twins are said to change genders easily and often, yet Sorykah only thinks of them as Leander-the-boy and Ayeda-the-girl.)

There is no troubled space between or beyond. There is only gender stereotype, only man and woman in the most restrictive way possible.

Alex Dally MacFarlane is a writer, editor and historian. Her science fiction has appeared (or is forthcoming) in Clarkesworld, Interfictions Online, Gigantic Worlds, Solaris Rising 3 and The Year’s Best Science Fiction & Fantasy: 2014. She is the editor of Aliens: Recent Encounters (2013) and The Mammoth Book of SF Stories by Women (forthcoming in late 2014).

About the Author

Alex Dally MacFarlane


Alex Dally MacFarlane is a writer, editor and historian. Her science fiction has appeared (or is forthcoming) in Clarkesworld, Interfictions Online, Gigantic Worlds, Solaris Rising 3 and The Year’s Best Science Fiction & Fantasy: 2014. She is the editor of Aliens: Recent Encounters (2013) and The Mammoth Book of SF Stories by Women (forthcoming in late 2014).
Learn More About Alex Dally
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12 years ago

I enjoyed the season premiere of Grimm overall. I’m not sure about the new title sequence either I keep skipping the narration. If you hadn’t told the Captain is half hexen beast I wouldn’t have known it. Wasn’t he more fuchbau last season of “foxy” last season? I can’t wait to see what they do with Hank next week cause dude is going to be flying off the rails soon. I wish Once Upon a Time had started already I can’t wait to see what happens next.

12 years ago

Yeah, these two episodes were awesome. I can’t wait to see what happens next!

Bittersweet Fountain
12 years ago

I didn’t think Nick could save Juliette, which is why Rosalee didn’t think of the pure of heart potion. After all, Renard is from a Royal Family. He is a prince. And who wakes Sleeping Beauty? A prince. Who wakes Snow White? A prince. I think they’re taking that literally. Only a member of the royal family can wake someone from that spell.

After all, Adalind’s mom told Nick’s mom that they couldn’t save Nick, only he (alluding to Renard) can. So I just assumed one had to be a prince, plus pure of heart. So Renard had to take the potion to make magic pure of heartness and wake Juliette, because Nick couldn’t.

12 years ago

See, I immediately thought hexenbeist when Renard morphed, so I thought they telegraphed that one fairly well.

And I get the general fear of memory loss, but I almost always cry foul on magical memory loss after a major character to character reveal. It feels like cheating and being able to wipe the slate clean (if you’ll pardon the phrase) if you screw it up. Just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

I did like the way they managed to hide Bree Turner’s advanced state of pregnancy… most of the time. There were a few scenes where they thought clothing or angles would hide it, and they were wrong.

12 years ago

Ha! That was a perfect description of the new opening credits. I hope they change it back, lol. Also, when did they elude the captain is a hexanbeast? I didn’t think he looked like that in the transformation and I thought they could only be female anyway.
Thanks for the good summary and review :)

Stefan Jones
12 years ago

A good start to the season.

The opening credits scream “some network executive didn’t think that the audiance could figure things out or look things up on the web.”

12 years ago

Definitely don’t like the new opener. That tacky voiceover! Oy.

Thought the second half of the two-parter was dull and clumsy. I’m glad Adelind’s mother got taken out, though.

12 years ago

When the show started, I thought it was very clunky and most of all cliche, but I pushed through and it got rather interesting, near the end things got rather tense. It seems to me that S2 kind of starts of clunky as well and weirdly very soapy for only a second season of a show.

Nick’s mother might be written well, but her isnertion into the story is again clunky to me. It seems like the writers of this show are rather new to the whole writing buisness, so it takes a while to get into original premises and interesting character development.

The show is ok, maybe for obvious comparisson – it’s very much below the best of Supernatural, but better than the worst in Supernatural. Comparing the 1st seasons, SN is definitely better.

12 years ago

I completely agree about the new opening sequence. It’s very early Buffy-esque, and it was annoying then, as it’s annoying now. However, that is not my largest problem with the premier of Grimm. Am I seriously the only one who was yelling at Nick not to trust his mom so easily? If I were him, I would not have taken her to the trailer, I would not have shown her where the coins were -much less GIVEN them to her!- and I CERTAINLY would not have shown her the key his aunt told him to hide from EVERYBODY at ALL COSTS. I mean, sure, she’s his mom, but she abandoned him eighteen years ago, shows up out of the blue, attacks his friend, and he just decides to trust her with all his secrets? Come on!

Oh, and as for Captain Renard? I wasn’t sure, but I immediately guessed hexenbeist too, cause of the funky mouth thing.